
Group Trip

Traveling in a group is more than just fun!

Traveling in a group to protect the planet and support the local population!

Le saviez-vous ?

Voyager en groupe est plus écologique que voyager seul ! En utilisant un moyen de transport commun, vous contribuez à réduire les émissions de carbone par personne ! De plus, notre flotte de bus est conforme aux normes environnementales : avant le départ, les bus doivent respecter les normes légales sur les émissions de gaz polluants. Lors de vos trajets à bord de nos bus modernes de toutes tailles, vous aurez l’opportunité de participer à notre jeu “Connaissance du Costa Rica”. Les gagnants recevront un soutien financier de Cactus Tour pour effectuer un don à des institutions locales.

Traveling in a group to discover

From the Central Meseta in San José, we offer you an opening to the Latin world, an informative approach to active craters, and relaxation on idyllic beaches. Choosing a discovery tour means opting for diversity. These routes will take you through plains and mountains, to the southern Caribbean, passing through the explosive flows of the Arenal Volcano, and from the pristine forests of the Osa Peninsula (Corcovado National Park) to the beachfronts of the North Pacific (Tamarindo, Conchal, Papagayo…), through rural regions like Sarapiqui, Turrialba, or Guanacaste. Contact us for more information.

Traveling in a group around a theme

Costa Rica’s richness offers a wide range of thematic trips. Whether you’re a fan of trekking, diving, rural and community tourism, ornithology, extreme adventures, orchids, and more, we have a professional and passionate team ready to design and organize your trip according to your needs, desires, and preferences. Contact us for more details.

Traveling in a group with a guide

Upon arrival in the country, our groups are accompanied by a bilingual guide who serves as a facilitator for deepening your understanding of nature, culture, and the importance of environmental conservation. They will also help establish a close relationship with the local population, provide insights into Costa Rican daily life, and manage the logistical aspects of ensuring a successful vacation. Please contact us for more details.

Traveling comfortably in a group

The variety and quality of accommodations will delight you: hotels, resorts, charming guesthouses, and unique lodging options await!

Moreover, Costa Rica’s good national road network allows you to travel smoothly without inconvenience! Additionally, our buses are well-equipped with individually adjustable air conditioning, reclining seats, an audio system with a microphone. The larger buses are equipped with a TV with VHS and DVD players.

We pay special attention to selecting restaurants and menus to ensure you experience local cuisine under the best conditions.

The content of the itinerary and its themes will always be tailored to the group’s spirit. For groups composed of individuals who do not know each other, we will work together to find the best options!

The group service we offer includes:

The group service we offer includes:

– Definition of an original itinerary
– A team dedicated to creating your journey
– Participant reception
– Airport transfers / hotel / site transfers
– Permanent accompaniment by a bilingual guide
– Providers committed to environmental and social responsibility